AHRGC AGM APRIL 22ND 2017 Agricultural building “Lions Den” 6800 Pioneer Ave, Agassiz

AHRGC  – Annual General Meeting

Agassiz Agricultural building

6800 Pioneer Ave, Agassiz.

April 22, 2017

Time :  start 11:00:00  end : 16:00:00

The Agassiz Harrison Rod and Gun Club is holding it’s AGM on the 22nd of April 2017.
After the AGM there will be five draws of $50.00 each and the last draw is for $250.00 that has been generously offered by Mr. Murray Jackson. The winner will be able to spend that money at the local “KENT OUTDOORS” shop here in Agassiz.
The directors will be presenting their reports at which time the final acceptance of the financial report before moving onto elections.
Come out and support your club, elect the individuals who you see as managing this club with the input from all of you.
**OPTIONAL **  If you can, please bring one non-perishable item for our local food bank.
Thank you all for support this year and hope to see many faces on  the 22nd of April.