Notice of General Meeting — Saturday, October 22nd, 2016 @ 11:00AM, Ag-Hall

Hello fellow members of the Agassiz-Harrison Rod & Gun Club,

On behalf of our club President, Dana Lafond, I would like to give notice that a general meeting has been called for Saturday, October 22nd, 2016, starting at 11:00AM, in the Lion’s Den at the Agricultural Hall.

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss and debate the club’s proposed new Constitution & Bylaws that have been drafted by the constitutional committee chaired by Brian Weeks.  Please take the time to read through these documents, and provide your support, criticism, comments and questions.

A copy of the current draft documents are available here on the club website in the Member’s Only section.  Simply use the password, indicated on your membership card to gain access.

As always, you can contact your executive and board of directors by emailing us @, or by using the contact form on the website.  Don’t hesitate to ask questions, or send comments!
Thank you,

Andrew Kampen
Director of Technology