Useful Links
We are committed to maintaining our current rights and freedoms while continuing to push as a mobilizing and organizational force for positive legislative change.
The BC Wildlife Federation is British Columbia’s largest and oldest conservation organisation. Our members are passionately committed to protecting, enhancing and promoting the wise use of the environment for the benefit of present and future generations. Our volunteers and donors give generously of their time and finances to support to a wide range of wildlife conservation programs and projects.
The National Firearms Association of Canada works for and with Canadian gun owners. The NFA keeps gun owners informed about current and pending legislation including Canada’s ever changing gun registration program. This ensures that gun owners know their rights under Canadian law.
The Canadian Firearms Program website provides public access to the Canadian government firearms information and services. Here you will find forms, news and information concerning firearms licencing, registration and transfers.
The local hunting and fishing store located in Agassiz, BC. Kent Outdoors is located only minutes from the range!